What is the backstory on your Derby Name?
I was having trouble finding a name and a friend suggested ankle biter. I’m short, and kinda feisty so it fits.

What do you do when you aren’t playing derby.
I am going to school to be a trauma nurse, I’m a dog mom, and of course I watch Netflix

Why did you start derby?
I had wanted to do it since I was young and never pursued it. Then I was going through a challenging point in my life and feeling sorry for myself and I didn’t like that, I felt like I just needed to do something for myself, and I had always wanted to do derby but never had the nerve until then. So I decided to finally go and try derby. Best. Decision. EVER.

Has your why changed since you started.
Has your why changed?
I’m in a better place in my life right now for sure. I attribute a huge part of that to derby and the people I have met through derby, it’s just a huge support system. I do derby now as an outlet for stress and anxiety relief. And of course the friends that’s come along with derby aren’t that bad either
Three things you wish you knew when you first started derby that you know now.
- Do not think your first class determines if you can “do derby” some people can’t/have never skated before and they become these awesome kickass derby girls.
- If you feel overwhelmed never be afraid to ask questions, all the ladies at south side are great teachers,
- Don’t give up without going to at least all of the beginner classes, give yourself a chance to improve and really fall in love with derby