Why I Derby! Izzy Dead
What is the backstory on your Derby Name?
When I moved from a previous roller derby league, Outlaw Roller Derby, I was Ginerator and decided that name needed to die with the Outlaws. So I became Izzy Dead 30-06!
What do you do when you are not at roller derby practice.
I rodeo. I retired my old horse and am currently starting a young horse. Ride my motorcycle. I also board dogs for rescue and tend to my chickens. You know, farm stuff and of course, roller derby.
When did you start roller derby?
Hmm, I think it was around maybe 2010? Or 2011. I was going to go watch a game but it was sold out, so I just showed up for the next practice. I had been training horses for about 20 yrs and wanted to try something new.
Why did you start derby?
A client came to my barn and said, "Hey, we're going to a roller derby game!" I was like what's that and where?!!! The game was sold out, so I just looked it up and went to the next Thursday as fresh meat, aka beginner class. I looked like a drunk baby giraffe on skates. I loved it then for the stress relief from a divorce.
Has your why changed over the years?
I still love it for stress relief and even more for the camaraderie of teammates and a wide realm of people that I would have never met in the rodeo world.
Advice to new skaters!
Don't give up. No matter what- roller derby can be defeating, but winning the battle is so worth it. You might not be good at everything, but you will master something.
Move your feet.
YES, you can. I'm skating with limited mobility in my foot due to a snake bite, and a 52,000 [possible typo here; unsure what "52,000 leg" refers to] leg. Although I may have some limitations, I've learned to accept it and do the best I can. There are so many ways to be an asset as a player. You will succeed in something, I promise!!