Why I Derby! Hot TaMaully
What is the backstory on your Derby Name?
My original name was Maully Merciless my first season. There was no way around “Maully”- I just really liked it. I was telling some of my fellow skaters about something that had happened and one of them called me Hot TaMaully, I loved it so it stuck. (Shout out to Deeva!)
When did you start roller derby?
I started boot camp in October of 2015!
Why did you start derby?
I’ve played sports my whole life and been pretty active. After high school I just kind of stopped everything and went to fire school. After going through fire school and trying to get everything together for that, I was missing the physicality of all of that. I’ve never felt completely at home and comfortable in the sports or clubs I’ve been involved in. But this seemed like a lot of fun and a good fit for me.
Has your why changed over the years?
My why hasn’t changed, but it has intensified over the years. I love this sport for everything that it is. It brings me joy, it challenges me, and I’ve gotten to meet so many fantastic people through this sport. It’s only my 3rd season and I’m so hungry for more learning and growing. This sport is great because there is so much to learn and to try and perfect. There are always goals to obtain.
Things you wish you knew when you 1st started derby that you know now.
- Practice, practice, practice. It makes a difference.
- Learn to play every position- it makes you more comfortable to play in general.
- Don’t skimp out on gear. It’s super important.
- Meet all the people, make all the friends. Be yourself.
- Mental and physical resilience comes with time.
- Push yourself and your teammates to the best of your ability. You can do more than you think you can as an individual and a group.
- HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE on and off the track. It makes the game more enjoyable for everyone.