Why I Derby – Stitches 626

South Side GirlsSkater Spotlight

What is Your Derby Name and Number?

My derby name is Stitches 626. I’m a huge fan of Lilo & Stitch, and I even named my car Little Stitch. When I joined derby, it felt right to choose a name that paid homage to my favorite little extraterrestrial, and thus, Stitches seemed like a cool and fitting tribute!

What Do You Do When You’re Not at Roller Derby Practice?

Outside of roller derby practice, my regular day job keeps me busy as a customer support manager for a ceramic coating company. When I’m not on the track, I dedicate time to off-skate routines aimed at improving my performance in derby. My free time also includes engaging in mind games or puzzles to keep sharp!

When & Why Did You Start Derby?

I put on quad skates for the first time a year ago, transitioning from my childhood hobby of inline skating. Discovering that derby required quad skates was an exciting challenge, entirely different from what I was used to. My journey into skate derby began as a means to celebrate my birthday last year; I sought a physical activity that not only would help me get in shape but also encourage me to step outside my comfort zone. Wrestling with deep depression and anxiety at the time, joining South Side Roller Derby introduced me to a supportive community that significantly boosted my self-confidence. The encouragement and camaraderie I’ve found here have strengthened me immeasurably, offering cheer and support through challenges. Derby has been transformative for me – it’s exhilarating, therapeutic, and has introduced me to a group of people who’ve become like family.

Advice to New Skaters:

Just Do It: The best advice for anyone hesitating is to just go for it. Whether it’s trying a new trick or merely getting started, the only way to find out if you can do it is by actually trying. You'll never know where you might end up if you don't take that first step.

Practice Falling: It might seem silly at first, practicing falls, but it's a crucial skill. Being prepared for falls makes them less intimidating and reduces the chance of injury. Embrace the falls; they're a part of the fun and learning process.

Ask for Help: Don't hesitate to seek assistance. It's easy to feel self-conscious about asking for help, worrying others might judge you for not knowing something. But the derby community is incredibly supportive and eager to share knowledge. You’ll find that everyone started somewhere and asking for help is a step towards growth.