Why I Play Roller Derby – Violent Viking

South Side GirlsSkater Spotlight, Why I Derby


What is the backstory on your Derby Name?

I have dual citizenship between USA and Norway. I wanted to honor my Norwegian heritage.

When did you start roller derby?

I started boot camp at the end of September 2014.

Why did you start derby?

I had friends that told me I would be good at the sport. I did more research and decided to give it a try. It was harder than expected, but I refused to give up.

Has your why changed over the years?

Absolutely. It is a sport that pushes me mentally and physically still. But on the way, I accidentally found a family. Derby is a community of strong woman that build each other up and support one another off and on skates.

Things you wish you knew when you 1st started derby that you know now.

I could say I wish I knew different skills and strategies... but I wouldn’t be the skater I am today if I hadn’t learned everything the way I did. You just gotta stick with it, push yourself and be open to constructive criticism.