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Competitive Jr Derby
$75/Month + one time uniform fee of $150
Competitive Teen/Tween Derby is where the real fun begins! In this class you will begin learning all the legal blocks, how to take hits, how to skate with others, and how to play the game!
Class Time Monday 6pm-8pm & Wednesday 7pm-8pm
Our Wednesday practices may sometimes be moved to Tuesday or Thursday or with weather permitting outdoors at Frankie Randolph Park, but parent will be always informed well in advance of what the practice schedule is going to be that week.
Required skills:
- complete and test out of beginner class.
- All skaters entering our competitive program must be approved by our training team. Each skater trains hard to make it to this level and the training is necessary to keep everyone safe.
You will need:
- a great attitude
- all your own gear that has been approved by the coach.
- Be available to skate roller derby games!
Next Jr Derby Game
October 14
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