High top roller skates versus low top roller skates!
- If you want to do long distance skating outdoors, get a low top speed boot.
- If you have no interest in skating outdoors, you just want to dance on skates, get a high top boot.
- If you want to do both, get a speed boot/ low top boot first, and make the high top boot your next skate purchase
You can do both speed skate and dance on skates in a speed boot/low top boot!
The speed boot/low top boot is the most versatile.
A lot of people think that they will be able to learn skating a lot easier and a high top boot, because of the ankle support, but in reality, the ankle support hinders your progression to getting comfortable on skates.
High top boots are great for 2 types of skaters Beginner and Advanced Skaters, not so great for the Intermediate Level Skaters.
High top boots are great for skaters that cannot stand up on skates and are hanging onto the walls. Once you’re ready to start rolling the ankle support will limit your speed and movement, and make it dangerous to go fast. I would highly suggest you use the roller rinks rental skates, until you are rolling, so you don’t have to spend extra money to fall in love with skating. Your high top boots are going to be useful, when you are ready to start working on edging, three turns, jumps and spins, and grooving.
High top boots will not be the skate that takes you on a outdoor skate, they will not be the skate that you get your first marathon in, they will not be the skate that you lose your first 30 pounds in.
At this point it’s better to be in a speed boot, if you are looking to do distance and speed skating, if you want to learn dance, edges, spins, jumps, stay in your hightop boot. Just know a hightop boot will not allow you to go fast for distance. Skating in high top boot for speed and distance, will make it feel like you’re skating on sandpaper.
Hope this helps! Let's Roll!