What is the backstory on your Derby Name?
The founders of SSRD gave it to me as they new I worked on cars for a living, but didn’t realize I paint them, and not a mechanic.

What do you do when you aren’t playing derby.
I’m either working, riding my motorcycle or I’m out at the pool. Though I also spend a lot of time watching derby to learn new plays and moves.

Why did you start derby?
I started out in derby in 2006 as a ref for South Side Roller Derby. Refed for a few years and then started training the Women’s Advanced Class. After about a year of that I wanted to play derby, and It all started with a men’s banked track team! Now I’m a founding member of Houston Men’s Roller Derby. I’m also the competitive team coach for South Side Jr Roller Derby.

Has Your Why Changed?
Now I play derby for the love of the sport , the love of making friends that end up being an extended family and making friends from all over the world.

3 Things you’d like new skaters to know that are just starting roller derby training.
1. Don’t skimp yourself and buy cheap pads. They are what protect you and keep you in the game.
2.Sign up for a training class with different trainers, it helps you learn more and learn some things that you are struggling with as each trainer has a different way of coaching.
3. And finally don’t stress yourself out when trying to learn a new skill. It only makes the new skill that much harder to learn and get it down!.